Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hello All!

Hello and welcome to my blog!
I'm starting this blog to discuss my thoughts on literacy as it gets globalized and the multiples of genres it includes and how it differs because of culture and technology. I am aspiring to be a teacher and a good one at that! I want to change the world. More and more I realize how easy it is to make a difference, the hardest part of this is to go out and actually do it! although I have been apart of smaller projects to make a difference in people's lives, I strive to be apart of something bigger- something that can last forever. While building houses and feeding the homeless are definitely good deeds that truly do help improve people, in my life I have come to believe that if I can improve and challenge one's brain, I can hopefully be apart of their success in a more permanent state. It's related to "give a man a fish, feed him for a day. But teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime". This is the kind of help I want to be a part of. I want to be apart of shaping and molding one's mind.
You may be thinking, "who are you that you think you are good enough to do this?" I often think the very same thing. I have decided that honestly, I am not sure I am. However, I do have the passion to do it and I believe that I have had many people in my life whose passion alone has been what has inspired me to be greater. I believe passion goes a long way and can truly drive one to one's goal. Also, I am willing. In meeting everyone I have there are just a few of us out there that are willing to be teachers. Those of us that are, many believe are crazy. We need to be strong in out passion and willingness and know that we can make a difference and not be scared to go out on a limb.
