Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Globalization in regards to education cannot be ignored. Because the world is becoming so much smaller in the sense that we involve ourselves with international affairs, education must also. Everything is so connected now. Whether we are discussing business, social media, culture, entertainment, literature, or even our history, in order to get a comprehensive analysis, one must include the globe and not merely a part of it. Also, I believe that this “smallness” of the world will only continue to get smaller. We can already Face Time with people literally half way around the world….who knows what the next advance will bring us?

When it some to educating students, we would be doing them an extreme disservice to not include aspects of globalization. They will constantly be faced with ideals and people from all over the world and will need to familiarize themselves with world issues. With immigration and international business being at such a high level, it simply cannot be ignored. This notion, however, is not new. When you think back to literature, immediately your mind goes to British Literature. Globalization has been around. We have always shared ideas and explored options and it is only increasing.

Giving students knowledge about the entire world will make them better people. It will drastically improve their life. Learning about the reasons behind various peoples’ decisions will create more peace and equality. It lessens the judgment and uncomfortability that comes with not knowing things. Along with being able to understand others better, this will also help our students understand themselves better. One can learn a lot about themselves when they are learning about others. We realize how similar the human race really is and we know what to appreciate and value. I think doing this will allow for knowing oneself to come at a younger age than usual.

On the downside, we should educate our students on the negatives about globalization, so that they can know how to improve it. Too often, certain cultures get commercialized and commidified until it has no respect left. The value in it gets diminished due to its mass production for tourism and the like. This needs to be avoided. Also, part of the business world that globalization is involved in are the sweatshops. Substandard working conditions fill the major corporations and must be put to an end. Hopefully, while students are learning more about other cultures, they will come to a sense of equality and realize the mistreatment these workers are enduring. Hopefully the idea of globalization will be taught in a way that will bring the world so close that the dangers of the sweatshops will become real and not just a far off world. 

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