Kelsey Kaufmann
Eng 395ESM
Prof. Wexler
Beijing Bicycle
There are
many diverse methods of learning about the world and the different values and
beliefs people hold. Each medium highlights specific points and frames of
reference. One medium sheds light on life itself and really allows for diving
into location and space. This medium is that of visual texts. Visual texts,
although does not require much imagination, does allow for one to understand
cultures in regards to its location and space and frame of reference. For
example, the movie Beijing Bicycle is
a visual medium that highlights the effects of American capitalism. It dives
into outsourcing jobs to China and the economic and societal effects it had on
the Chinese way of life and values.
under Deng’s rule, China became a powerhouse of producing goods to sell to
Americans and Englishmen. “The massive infrastructural investments under way
in China have entrained much of the global economy.” (140 ch5) China erupted
very quickly in a capitalist environment and the citizens of important cities
like Hong Kong were greatly affected.
Economic factors= took advantage of Chinese pride,
Americans hid the blame from themselves by convincing these workers it was
their duty to family and their responsibility to use the opportunity given.
juxtaposition of low and upper class. Upper literally on top and reliant on low
class. (show high-rise buildings next to ghettos looking shacks.
these things but still but imported goods.
Social Factors= American family values, blended
families, individual pride (teens retaliating on dad)
of entitlement
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